Turfgrass Pathology
- Turfgrass Disease Images [U. of Guelph (Ontario)]
- Major Diseases of Turf Grasses in Western Canada [Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development]
- Diagnosing Common Northern Lawn Diseases [University of Maryland]
- Maryland Turfgrass Disease Control Recommendations
- Disease-like Problems on Turfgrasses [NCSU TurfFiles]
- Diseases of Tall Fescue [NCSU TurfFiles]
- Diseases of Warm-Season Grasses [NCSU TurfFiles]
- Diseases of Turfgrass on Athletic Fields [NCSU TurfFiles]
- Diseases of Bentgrass [NSCU TurfFiles]
- Diseases of Turfgrass on Athletic Fields [North Carolina]
- Soil Fertility, pH and Diseases of Turfgrasses [IPM Alabama]
- Management of Turfgrass Pests [Ohio State Ext]
- Turf Tips [Purdue U.] Indiana]
- Managing Lawn Diseases [Purdue U.]
- Microscopic Identification Key for Turfgrass Diseases [University of Wisconsin-Maidson]
- Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [University of Wisconsin-Maidson]
- Molecular Methods for Identification of Turfgrass Pathogens [University of Wisconsin-Extension]
- Plant Health Services [University of Wisconsin-Madison]
- Plant Disease Management Information [Agri. Electronic Bulletin Board, Missouri]
- Turfgrass Disease Management [U of Missouri-Columbia]
- Plant Disease Management Information [U. of Missouri Extension Docs.]
- Plant Diseases [Nebraska extension titles]
- Extension Plant Pathology [Kansas State Extension Docs]
- Watering Turfgrass and Disease Potential: Leaf Wetness [Colorado Ext. Doc.]
- Disease Control in Home Lawns EB0938 (Revision November 1994) [WSU Extension]
- IPM Prescriptions for Some Common Diseases of Ornamental Plants and Turfgrasses [Oregon]
- Guidelines: Pests of Turfgrass [UC Davis Ext. Doc.]
Texas Plant Disease Handbook
- Diseases of Turfgrass [APSnet] The American Phytopathological Society]
- Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Forage Crop Diseases [Japan]
- Biological Control- Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book [PPIG] U. of Bonn, Germany]
- The Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book [U. of Bonn, Germany]
- Anthracnose [UC IPM]
- Bipolaris & Exserohilum (Helminthosporium) Diseases [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Brownpatch [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Culvalaria Blight [UC IPM]
- Dollar Spot [UC Davis]
- Dollar Spot [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Biological Control of Dollar Spot Disease in Turf
- Fairy Ring- A Problem of Turfgrass[CSU Coop Extension]
- Fairy Rings [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Fusarium Patch [UC Davis]
- Fusarium Blight [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Gray Leaf Spot on St.Augustinegrass [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Karnal Bunt on Oregon Ryegrass Seed [Amer. Seed Trade Assoc.]
- Leaf Blotch [UC Davis]
- Leaf Spot [UC Davis]
- Loose Smut [UC Davis]
- Mushrooms, Puffballs, Fairy Rings, and Slime Molds [NebGuide]
- Nigrospora Stolon Rot [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Fungicide, Biological, and Cultural Practices Evaluations for Control of Pink and Gray Snow Molds [U of Wisconsin-Extension]
- Powdery Mildew [UC IPM]
- Powdery Mildew [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Pythium Blight [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Red Thread [UC IPM]
- Rust [Gov. of Alberta]
- Rust [UC Davis]
- Rust Disease [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Rhizoctonia [New Mexico State U]
- St. Augustine Decline [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Seedling Diseases [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Sclerotium Blight [UC Davis]
- Spring Dead Spot in Bermudagrass [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Summer Patch Disease on Lawn Grasses [University of Maryland]
- Summer Patch and Necrotic Ring Spot [NebGuide]
- Summer Patch [New Mexico State U]
- Stripe Smut Disease of Turfgrass [Nebguide]
- Stripe Smut [UC Davis]
- Take-All Patch [UC Davis]
- Take-all Patch (Bermuda Decline) [Texas Agricultural Extension Service]
- Position Statement of the American Phytopathological Society on the Use of Quarantines for Wheat Karnal Bunt
Helpful Tips
Ridding St. Augustine of Bermuda Grass
Remove St. Augustine
Tips on ridding St. Augustine of Bermuda grass...